


Healthcare data transformation redefined: quick, secure, normalized data from any source, at a fraction of the cost.

Rapidly build scalable, performant healthcare data pipelines automatically with our API solution.

Ready to learn more?

A simple two step workflow to transform any raw healthcare data to its FHIR equivalent:


Step 1: Build

With a simple API call build an end to end FHIR transformation pipeline

  • No PHI Required
  • Almost any data format
  • Custom required fields and validation support
  • Complete support for custom FHIR extensions
  • Custom non-FHIR schemas available for enterprise customers

Step 2: Transform Payloads

Using the previously created pipeline, send observations for transformation

  • We never store your transformation data (for any reason)
  • End to end encryption
  • Pay for what you use
  • Scalable to millions of records a day

We are committed to ensuring rapid access to healthcare data for everyone.


Onboarding, system integration, or even data distribution - we can rapidly develop reusable pipelines to scale your business and allow you to focus on the output - not the pipes.

Data Normalization

Our area of expertise - we can take any volume of data, from any disparate locations, and normalize it to your perfect FHIR standard.

Protected information is never stored


Pipelines can be built without exposing PHI data - and transformations are performed in isolated environments in real-time, which means we never store your data.

Fast Integration

Rapid Integration

AI powers our automated workflows for healthcare data, minimizing human involvement for faster, more efficient integration. Transform new data sources in hours, not weeks.

Efficient Interoperability

Repeatable Efficiency

Standardized data integration allow you to scale the same process across all of your existing and future data pipelines. This allows you to build tools, features, and full-fledged products off the same foundation for every data source, regardless of how varied they are.

Automated Review


Every pipeline is automatically reviewed for common errors, both in raw data, and FHIR outputs. Any significant problems are immediately escalated for our team to alert or resolve as necessary.

Pricing Plans


$199 Per Month + Usage

This plan should support most generic use-cases, or the circumstance where you're wanting to test out the solution on a few integrations.

1 - 1,000 CallsFree
1,001 - 100,000 Calls$0.005 / Call
100,001 - 1,000,000 Calls$0.0015 / Call
1,000,001+ Calls$0.0005 / Call


Custom pricing

Processing tens of millions of records? We can make that better.

  • Unlimited resources
  • Dedicated support
  • Custom schema support

Connect with Us

Ready to transform your healthcare data? Reach out to explore how our solutions can streamline and secure your data processes.

About Arbizal

Our mission is to enable healthcare companies to concentrate on delivering high-value services and solutions, free from the complexities of normalizing disparate healthcare data. We're building a comprehensive end-to-end solution, featuring our pioneering AI workflows, which streamline and simplify numerous challenges in healthcare data normalization, interoperability, and automation.